res 2
Research Hot Cell
RES 2 is a GMP grade B isolator tailored for radiopharmaceutical research, featuring turbulent flow throughout the entire working area. Radiopharmaceutical synthesis and manipulations occur in a controlled and secure environment, aligning with the latest GMP guidelines. Its inflatable seals ensure ISO 10648:2 airtightness.
An intelligent ventilation system ensures constant pressure within the hot cell and maintains air exchange independently from building HVAC and filter clogging. This remains effective even in scenarios of non-efficient internal leak tightness, breaking of the gloves, or breaking of the teletong booting.
Manipulation within RES 2 can be carried out through the teletong and/or telemanipulators.
- 1 air-tight, shielded, and vented pre-chamber (double door drawer)
- Vial extraction system (double door tunnel) + drawer for Lead pot retrieval with automatic lid positioning
- Predisposition for n. 2 telemanipulators (not included)
- 1 teletong

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